What Should You Do After You Move into Your TN Student Apartment?

by | Jan 11, 2021 | Student Housing Center

Most student apartments close to the UTK campus are fully furnished. You won’t have to worry about hauling your furniture up the steps or bringing your old microwave–all you’ll have to do is grab your key and step inside. However, there are still a few steps you should take to get ready for the upcoming semester.

What Should You Do After Moving into Your Student Apartment?

The first thing you should do after moving into an apartment close to the UTK campus is to get the Wi-Fi password and sign in. You’re going to be using your apartment’s WiFi for a year or more, so it’s important to have all your devices connected and ready to go. Don’t be surprised if you already have homework on the first day of class.

If you’re rooming with other people, you’ll need to divide up the bedrooms among yourselves. Everyone gets their own furnished private bedroom, so no roommate is going to have an advantage over the others. But still, it’s important to designate your space and make sure that everyone respects each other’s privacy.

You should also talk about your food situation. Are you going to make a big pot for everyone to enjoy, or is everyone going to be cooking separately? Does anyone have special dietary needs or allergies? Are you or your roommates vegetarian or vegan? Since you’ll all be sharing the same kitchen, it’s important to know what everyone is doing.

You can apply for student apartments close to the UTK campus directly on the website of Redpoint Knoxville. Check their website for more information.

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