4 Tips for Moving into Your First Apartment at Louisiana State University

by | Apr 22, 2020 | Student Housing Center

Moving into your first apartment is an exciting time. It’s also a lot of responsibility. You want to be careful to take the proper precautions to ensure that you have a wonderful experience. Here are 4 tips for moving into your first apartment at Louisiana State University.

1. Pick Roommates Carefully

When looking at apartments near Louisiana State University, you need to pick carefully. You will live with your roommates for at least the length of your lease. You need to pick people that won’t drive you crazy in that time. You also need to pick people who are responsible enough to pay rent on time and be respectful of your new home.

2. Live Within Your Means

An apartment may be significantly more costly than you expected. You need to pay a security deposit, toiletries, food, electricity, cable, and you need to buy stuff for your apartment before you move in. Save up so you have ample money. You should also pick an apartment you can afford to avoid being late on bills and ruining your credit.

3. Take Pictures When You Move In

You will be charged for any damage that occurs while you live in the apartment. To ensure you don’t get charged for damage that isn’t your fault, you need to take pictures of the condition of the apartment when you move in.

Call Lark Baton Rouge to talk about apartments near Louisiana State University. They can help you find the right apartment for you.

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