Follow These Tips When Purchasing Your First Mobile Home in Charleston, SC

by | Nov 30, 2020 | Real Estate Services

The process of buying a new manufactured home is exciting. Before you visit a dealer, know your financing options and the target price. Do as much research as you can before you start the process. It is important to know that many upgrades exist. While these may offer benefits, they will significantly increase the price you pay.

When looking at mobile home sales in Charleston, SC, you are going to see a variety of upgrades and features that can extend the life of the home. They can also make it more comfortable and cost-efficient. Smart upgrades for new manufactured homes include exterior walls that are at least seven feet high, better insulation, larger doors, and virgin vinyl siding. It is typically better to choose a manufactured home with a shingled roof as opposed to a flat roof. Avoid subfloors made of particleboard.

Be sure you understand the true competition when looking at mobile home sales in Charleston, SC. The visit at least three separate lots before settling on a specific dealer. You want each lot to be under a different brand name and be owned by separate individuals or companies. And while you may fall in love with the first home you see, don’t settle on it before doing more research. Because dealer markups can vary, you want to get firm prices from several brands and dealers over the phone or online before pinning your hopes on one home.

Learn how N and M Homes specialize in quality built homes and great financing by visiting their website at

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