by | Feb 3, 2023 | Property Services

It can be extremely frustrating to sell a house. This is especially true when you can’t wait for months to get a fair offer. If you need to sell your house in Wichita KS, and you have to sell it fast, there are options. The three most common approaches to selling your house are:

Use the services of a local real estate professional Sell your own house, orSell your house in Wichita KS to an investor

Using a Real Estate Agent

If you have time and you want someone else to do the work, selling your house through a real estate agent makes sense. Once you have interviewed several agencies and signed a listing agreement, they will market the property, negotiate with potential buyers, and eventually, deal with the necessary paperwork.

When you use a real estate agent, you can expect to pay an agreed-upon fee. The fee varies, but usually is six percent, three percent to both your agent and the buyer’s agent. The house will sell, but it can take as long as six months.

Sell the House Yourself

If you want to avoid paying real estate agent fees, and you feel you can do the work yourself, then selling the house privately is a viable option. The problem is, few people are fully aware of the complex process of selling a house. There is a great deal involved, and you may find yourself adrift. Furthermore, it may take longer to sell.

Sell to a Real Estate Investor

If you want, or need, to sell your house fast, and you don’t want to make any repairs or improvements, selling to a real estate investor is a good option. Real estate investors pay in cash, and the transaction can usually be completed in a week or so. You don’t have to pay commission, fees, or closing costs. You sell the house “as is.” For more information visit Kansas Home Guys.

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